Category: Secondi

Brined Pork Loin Roast with Pomegranate Sauce

For Thanksgiving I wanted to prepare a pork roast with pomegranate. I tried this excellent recipe with a few changes. It was a real delicacy, definitely a “must try again”. Here is my version of the recipe. For the brine 2 cups plus 1.5 L cold water, divided 1/3 cup coarse salt 1/4 cup sugar …

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Skate and Romanesco soup

When I saw this beautiful broccolo Romanesco at the market, I knew I would use it to make this traditional soup from Rome. The result was delicious, and perfect for the cold weather we are having in New York. Ingredients 1lb of skate fish 1 broccolo romanesco 1 carrot 1 small onion Half celery stalk …

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Marinated Striped Bass

Ingredients 1lb striped bass filet For the marinade: juice of half a lemon lemon rind, grated olive oil parsley thyme rosemary, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely minced salt Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a glass bowl. Add the fish, cover with a lid or clear wrap, and let marinade in the …

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Braised pork shoulder

I bought 3 pounds of pork shoulder from Flying Pigs Farm at the Union Square Market, and prepared it following a recipe of Amanda Hesser, that they gave me. I did not have celery nor bay leaf, used white wine instead of red, and cooked it in a casserole on the stove, instead of baking …

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Monk fish with peppers, saffron, and cherry tomatoes

A couple of months ago a found this monk fish recipe on the website of an Italian magazine, “donna moderna”. I made it and really liked it so I am posting it here in English.

Veal Spezzatino with Polenta

We are staying home as hurricane Sandy is approaching, and there is plenty of time for cooking. I decided to make veal spezzatino with polenta. This is my copper paiolo, the special pot to make polenta, and the trisa which is theĀ  wooden stick used to turn the polenta as it is called in the …

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Zucchine Ripiene di Tonno

Stuffed Zucchini with Tuna. I went to the farmers market in Union Square and found these nice round zucchini, the last one of the season. They are perfect to be stuffed and baked. I decided to bake them stuffed with tuna preserved under oil. Ingredients 4 round zucchini 2 Roma tomatoes 1 garlic clove, pressed …

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Polpettone di Tacchino con Verdure

Turkey meatloaf with vegetables. This dish is one of my “comfort-food” items and I love the cheerful colors of the vegetables in it. This time I added some stems of red beats that added a brighter splash of color to it! What I like of ground turkey breast, besides the fact that is low in …

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Quick Octopus Salad

Octopus salad is a great summer dish. This is my quick version, instead of boiling the octopus I buy the marinated octopus sold in the delis (Fareway and Grace’s in New York have it, and also any Greek grocery store should have it). I then freshen up the octopus with chopped fresh vegetables and some …

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Branzino al Sale

A very healthy and simple way to cook fish is to bake it completely covered with salt. This cooking method preserves all the moisture and flavor of the fish. You just need a whole fish simply cleaned of scales and insides (head and tail should not be removed), kosher salt, and aromatic herbs. Ingredients one …

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